Monday 22 November 2010

Characters for "Inbox(1)"

Name: Karen Osborne Age: 42
Character name: Karen Galloway
Character age: 38
Part Description: Parent of Emma Galloway, going away for the weekend with her husband.

Name: David Osborne Age: 46
Character name: David Galloway
Character age: 41
Part Description: Parent of Emma Galloway, going away for the weekend with his wife.

Name: Connor Tullett Age: 16
Character name: Unknown
Character age: Unknown, guessed around 40.
Part Description: This character is unknown and mysterious, only seen in glances. Uses a false Facebook identity, "James Coldan" in which he uses to speak to the teenage girls, Emma and Claire.

Name: Roxanne Bright Age: 16
Character name: Emma Galloway
Character age: 17
Part Description: A teenage girl looking forward to a weekend with her best friend whilst her parents are away. Emma is an only child, and finds this isolating, therefore see's Claire as a sister figure. Emma's strong mind sometimes gets the better of her, and shows a controlling and stubbourn side to her. She manages to control her emotions and put on a front to Claire in tough times.

Name: Hannah George Age: 16
Character name: Claire Clayton
Character age: 16
Part Description: Teenage girl staying at her best friend's (Emma's) house for the weekend whilst her parents are away. Claire is seen as a bit of a flirt and is currently single. Her family have been through a tough time recently due to the death of a close relative. Emma has been very supportive and has invited her over for a chance to take her mind off things.

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