Sunday 7 November 2010

Horror Film Opening Ideas for "Inbox(1)".

Idea 1

Two teenage girls, Roxie and Hannah, are on their own for a weekend whilst their parents are away. In the evening they are on the laptop and set a facebook status saying that they have a house to themselves for a weekend. They then get a friend request (apparently being a teenager) from someone they don’t know. They then start to talk to the person on facebook chat and they act friendly; but seem to want to know why they are on their own. When Roxie goes to draw the curtains in the front, she sees a dark figure standing on the street opposite her house, talking on the phone. She thinks nothing of it, but suddenly there is a knock at the door. They don’t answer as they weren’t expecting anyone so just choose to leave it. However just a few moments later they hear slow footsteps on the outside decking at the back of the house, and glimpse a figure through the gap in the curtains. There is a loud repeated knock at the glass patio doors, so the girls go to a different room to get the house phone. When they come back to the room, the doors are slightly open, and a breeze is moving the curtains; but nobody is there. 

Idea 2

Two men are in an isolated old building a few miles away from civilisation. Surrounding them inside the building are dead bodies and severed body parts and many different tools covered in blood. One of them seems to be on the phone giving details of two teenage girls being on their own, and gives an address. There is a laptop in the corner where the other man is using the social networking site facebook. There is a flashback of girls screaming and being tortured, and panicking whilst a dark figure is standing over them – the flashback from the figures point of view. After the flashback, back in reality, is the two men putting huge sacks into the back of a van, and getting into the front; leaving a hand print in blood on the white van door. They then start to drive down a long country road towards a town where the lights of buildings can be seen in the distance. 

Idea 3

Two teenage girls are seen on the floor of a kitchen, both covered in blood. One of the girls is dead, the other is sitting up staring straight ahead of her breathing heavily. Lying on the kitchen floor, also covered in blood is a birth certificate; with a death date written over the top in the dead girls blood. The objects in the kitchen are all smashed, the windows broken, the doors off their hinges and everything is wrecked. The girl picks up a smashed photograph which is on the kitchen floor, of the two girls which was taken earlier that month. She cuts her finger on the shattered glass and more blood drips over the photo, dripping down the half with the girl who is now dead. As she is looking at it, it goes into a flashback which will then show the whole story behind what happened, and why they are left like this.  

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